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Replanter and Revitalizer Survey

There are 13 characteristics pastors must develop to be effective replanters or revitalizers


  1. Visionary Shepherd

  2. ​Gospel Orientation

  3. Missional Focus

  4. Organizational Awareness

  5. Pastoral Grit

  6. Spousal Perseverance

  7. Resourceful Generalist

  8. Tactical Patience

  9. Initiative

  10. Emotional Intelligence

  11. Affinity For Multi-Generational Ministry

  12. Respect For a Church's Legacy

  13. Willingness to Confront


 Replanting and Revitalization are difficult. In order to persevere and be successful, it will require a clear call from God for both the pastor and his spouse.

Click the link below to be taken to a survey you can take.

This survey will show your areas of strength and weakness.


Click HERE


*** This survey with its results will NOT automatically return to me.***


Once you finish the quiz, print out the results and reach out to me for a discussion!

I want to thank the NAMB for developing this tool

and allowing me to use it on my website!

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