Psalm 27:13
13 I had fainted, unless I had believed To see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
How we are made weak (faint) is an easy topic to consider.
These were some things that made David weak.
• Enemies - Psalm 27:2-3
• Troubles - Psalm 27:5
• Loneliness - Psalm 27:9
• Rejection - Psalm 27:10
The hard part about this equation is not what makes us weak, but rather, how do we, as God’s children, get strong? The Bible, as always, shines light into this darkness
4 answers are in our text.
First, we are to seek the Lord
Psalm 27:8
When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord,
will I seek.
When you are weak, seek God who giveth the faint strength. Psalm 68:35;
Isaiah 40:29
Next, we are to Believe
Psalm 27:13
I had fainted, unless I had believed To see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
You may have outward circumstances that are dark and difficult but you can
still stand firm and with certainty. How? By believing something that is true,
right, strong and secure. Here is the key. We must believe to see and not see
to believe. Seeing to believe is actually unbelief (Mark 15:32; II
II Kings 7:1-2).
We want the order reversed, but it shall never be so in God’s program. It is
always believe first and then see (John 4:47-48; 6:30-31; 11:40) - There is
always the potential of God in any situation. Do you believe God and His
Third, we must wait.
Psalm 27:14
14 Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord.
The word wait means to linger, and look eagerly for.
It means to linger and look eagerly for HIM. We must remember that there is
always the potential of God in any situation, no matter how dire or hopeless it
may seem. David had been chosen by God and anointed by Samuel to be king
- Yet he is hunted, hounded, harassed, harried and hurried from pillar to post
for close to ten years. Joseph was God’s, just as much as when a servant as
he was when he was the second to pharaoh. Joseph was just as much God’s
man in the dungeon as he was on the throne!
All other resources had failed David. There were times he was ready to faint -
What sustained him? His hope and his patient looking toward God…Believing
the promise that God had given him - “You will be king”
Do you have darkness David? - Psalm 27:1; 18:28 - God is your Light
Are you unsteady, unsure, and fearful David? - Psalm 27:1 - God is your Rock -
Are you weak David? Psalm 27:1 - God is your strength - Psalm 18:2
Are you persecuted David? - Psalm 27:2; 18:2 - God is your fortress, buckler,
salvation, high tower - Psalm 18:4-7
Are you forsaken David? - Psalm 27:10 - God is your caretaker and friend -
David didn’t trust a set of theories, doctrines, or principles. He trusted God
(Psalm 18:2), as did Paul (2 Timothy 1:12). How about you? We must wait on the
Lord, in the sense of patient anticipation and delay. As a child waits for
Christmas, as a patient waits for the doctor to come in, as a pregnant lady
waits for the delivery of her child, we must wait on God (II Samuel 5:24)
We must wait at His door in prayer (Luke 11:5–8)
We must wait at his feet in humility - The sinner for forgiveness - Luke 7:37–47,
and the saint for worship and instruction - Luke 10:39-42
We must wait at his table in service, as a servant (Acts 16:4–10)
Fourth, we must be Brave - “Be of Good Courage” -
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart:
Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Be of good courage is a soldiers motto
Stand my friend. Face the fury of the storm. Fight the good fight! He will
strengthen you!